All Kids Deserve a Great Public Education in Modern Facilities

Education is the key to our children’s ability to succeed and the key to our city succeeding. My administration will partner with RPS, the School Board, and other education voices in our community to ensure we are providing the resources needed so that every student receives a great public school education in modern facilities. 

All our students deserve an opportunity to learn – and be prepared to pursue opportunities after graduation that work for their dreams. Our administration will partner with RPS and the School Board to develop pathways for both those students who want to enter the workforce immediately after graduation and for those who plan to attend an institution of higher learning. Our teachers deserve the support they need to make this all a reality.

Together we can:

  • Fully fund the RPS operational and capital improvement projects budgets and continue the City’s investments in organizations that support out-of-school activities. Every student deserves a high quality education and I am committed to fully funding our public schools. As Mayor, I will work with our City Council and School Board representatives to make sure that we are meeting our financial obligations to our schools, so that students and teachers have access to the resources they need to be successful.


  • Prioritize universal pre-K efforts and expand access to early childhood education and child care. Research shows that learning and development begins far before students reach kindergarten. Perhaps one of the most important actions we can take for our students is to invest in our youngest learners and support their educational growth and development with greater access to early childhood education. This means prioritizing funding for efforts to achieve universal pre-K and identifying what incentives would be effective in recruiting additional child care providers.


  • Advocate for proposals in the General Assembly that will expand the City’s ability to fund school construction. We need partnership from the Commonwealth to meet the capital needs of our public schools. As Mayor, I will advocate tirelessly in support of much needed legislation and work with the General Assembly and the Governor to strengthen our partnership with the state.


  • Work with RPS to expand work-based learning opportunities to improve students’ career readiness. It is important that we strengthen and grow RPS’ connections with local businesses, organizations, and our union partners to expand the availability of work-based learning and internship opportunities, and allow more students to explore career opportunities and support the development of technical, applied, and soft skills.


  • Work with RPS and our School Board to ensure students’ social emotional learning and behavioral health needs are met to support their overall well being and growth


  • Work with RPS and our School Board to make sure that schools have enhanced wraparound services to meet the needs of students. The quality of care that a student receives should be a priority at every school across the City. This means identifying new partnerships and resources that RPS can leverage, so that every student can succeed no matter what challenges they are facing inside or outside the classroom.


  • Work with RPS and our School Board to recruit and retain high-quality teachers in our classrooms, making sure we are supporting our teachers and staff so that they have the resources they need and the respect they deserve.